Frank's sister Nicole has been taking test shots of Cashy, so we can get his 1 year pics and maybe some x-Mas pictures done. Yes, I know I'm a lil behind!
Cashy was a football player...for the East Dallas New-B's...Daddy made up the team name! We walked across the street to Swiss Avenue, where Halloween is not taken lightly..I've heard buses charter over there to bring loads of kids, we went early to fight the crowd. He did really well..he had the bag down pat and by the last house he was trying to let go of our hands like "I got this, ya'll can go home now."
On the way there! Cashy started his 1st daycare a few weeks ago! We got lucky and found a Christian based school that place the children in classes by thier developmental skills not just by their age...and it's only 2 miles from our house! We have had some rough times...but he is slowly getting better. He used to cry when we picked him up (like Thank God you have come to rescue me), not eat until all the other kids were done, play with only the frog we brought from home, and not want to interact with the other kids. He now tears when we get there and his teachers say he has a djusted very well...even throws them for a loop she says! There is only one other boy in his class the rest are little girls!